On Friday, our secondary class took a trip out to Clay on Main for the first time this year, which marks the fifth year running. Over this period of time, our students made tremendous progress while working with various clay projects.
The first part of their trip on this particular day in October had them preparing a poem with a local poet based on what students love about Clay on Main. After the poem is complete, our secondary class will then help paint a huge mural of the poem on a wall. Needless to say, the students are excited.
The second part of their trip allowed each individual to create a vase made of clay. There were a ton of unique designs! You can view photos here.
This time working with clay also led to our second Hallway Colloquialism. Two students were working hard on their vases when one looked across the table to compliment the work of another. Hearing a simple statement of kindness like this always tugs on our heart strings.