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Pope John Paul II Feast Day

Celebrating Pope John Paul II

October 22 marks the celebration of Pope John Paul II’s Feast Day. Because the day is close to our hearts, a special Mass will be held today at JPII.
Feast Days are assigned by the Catholic church for each Canonized Saint. Saints, such as John Paul II, are remembered on their Feast Days with special mentions, prayers, and scripture readings.  This date marks the second Feast Day for Pope John Paul II.
Father Stokes from St. Ignatius presided over Mass for not only the students and adults here at John Paul II Center for Special Learning, but also the Seventh grade class from St. Ignatius. JPII’s Liturgical Music Coordinator, Sue Kaczmarek, organized the Mass.
Afterwards, our students along with the St. Ignatius students shared a pizza lunch and headed out to the playground for some recess.  We would like to thank our friends at St. Ignatius for sharing the special day with us!


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