JPII: Special Education in Shillington, PA

Everyone has a purpose in life. As a values-based organization, John Paul II Center for Special Learning encourages children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to explore their purpose and reach for goals through unique special education and social programming.

Students ages three to 21 are able to learn and grow throughout our School-Age Program, with the later years focusing on transition and life skills.

We know stability and continuity are important to those with special needs, so we’ve made transition as seamless as possible.

After graduation, students may have the option to move directly to our 21+ Adult Program, giving them the opportunity to continue developing skills while making individual needs a priority.

Like everyone else, people with disabilities have the capacity to make significant contributions to the community and to the world by utilizing their God-given talents. We’re here to help them along the way.

Our Mission

In a safe and nurturing Christian environment, John Paul II Center serves children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities by providing diversified programs.  We acknowledge the dignity of all learners while challenging them on a daily basis to reach their God-given potential.  Our mission is an expression of the Catholic Church’s teaching on the sanctity of human life.

 Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”



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  • Expanding God’s Footprint at JPII

    “My hope for each student this school year is to know they are a Child of God, and that God loved them before they were...

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  • Justin’s Journey to Employment

    Justin’s success story really came to fruition this school year. ”At the beginning of this school year Justin started the School to Work program by...

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  • Support Extends Beyond Normal Hours

    Each day JPII staff work with our students and adult participants to provide them with unique special education and social programming.  Beyond normal programming hours,...

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  • A Place for Christopher

    “I asked God to help me find a place for Christopher.” – Leydi B. When your child doesn’t have the tools necessary to learn, what...

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  • Back To School Tips

    We all know as parents how difficult it can be to get our children out of the door in a timely manner.  Mornings are exhausting...

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  • 40 In Faith

    Who could have imagined that when we opened our doors in 1982 to 16 students that 40 years later we would have 54 students enrolled...

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  • Transition Planning – One Year Later

    At last year’s Legacy Gala, Suzanne Fernandez shared her family’s journey through the special education system.  That evening, her daughter Melissa turned 21.  While it...

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  • Congrats, Gina!

    Before the COVID pandemic hit, JPII adult participant and JPII graduate Gina C. had a part-time job that she loved.  Unfortunately, her employer needed to...

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  • Justin’s Story

    “I think the most special part of Justin being at JPII is that he has friends.” – Tisa U. Friendships and meaningful social interactions are essential...

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  • Medical and Mental Preparedness Grant

    JPII Adult Program nurse, Pam Traczuk, instructs staff member on proper CPR techniques The COVID pandemic brought two health-related issues to light for JPII’s nurses...

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  • 2022 Legacy Gala

    Join us on April 30 at our 12th Annual Legacy Gala as we celebrate the resilience of John Paul II Center’s dedicated students, adults, staff,...

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  • Annual Christmas Raffle back online!

    Our popular Christmas raffle is back online again this year. We had such a wonderful response to last year’s online version, we’re doing it again!...

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  • Cooking As Therapy

    Follow Up from Mrs. Berkhammer: As we enter month two of the lunch program, I was thinking a little bit about JPII this time last...

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  • Lunch Program Returns to JPII

    Exciting News from Mrs. Berkhammer: This year has been trying to say the least. Let us start by saying that since the start of this...

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  • Today’s Gift Creates Lasting Legacy

    Teacher Excellence Endowment Fund Planned gifts are very personal. They come from the heart and provide donors with the opportunity to create their lasting legacy....

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  • Giving JP Tuesday

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  • Molli’s Story

    “We’ve never had anyone care for Molli the way that your staff does,” – Kellie G Before coming to John Paul II Center for Special...

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  • We Can Make This Work

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